The Priceless View



In today’s world, experiences matter more than things. We needed to find an experiential way to entice cardholders to book Mastercard’s Priceless Cities experiences. We had to go beyond beautiful photography and thumbnails – so we invited cardholders to sample a few of the experiences for themselves, in virtual reality.

We embedded Gear VR technology into a Viewfinder so that when cardholders stepped up to it, they were instantly transported. Using gaze-tracking technology, cardholders chose their adventures as they walked around the crown of Christ the Redeemer, hung out with Chef Ludo Lefebvre at Trois Mec, and joined legendary golfer, Graeme McDowell on the green at TPC Sawgrass.

Afterward, they could book their preferred experience directly on via a tablet attached to the viewfinder.

The Viewfinder made its world debut at Mobile World Congress.


McCann NY

The prototype used a Gear VR headset that was permanently attached to a custom engineered viewfinder. 

Sound channels were added to help bring sound to the user's ears to hear each experience without headphones.


Eye-gazing tech led the user into each experience.


A portal let cardholders learn more about the project and choose to book real experiences directly from the viewfinder.
